Monday, April 10, 2006

Milestones in Advertising

"The Savory Cafe." God, what a lie.

The "Austin Grill." Neon sign on the left says "Hello, stranger!"
Oh yeaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Austin cuisine!!!!!
Is that what God eats?

The "Victory Tower." In smaller letters, "A Senior Apartment Community."

Dear old people,
There are many different kinds of "victories."
You gained a victory during World War 2. That's true. Congratulations on that.
Being dumped off to die in this building is also a kind of victory.
Get comfortable, champs.

A: Look, Barbara! "Chop Sticks Restaurant." That sounds wicked delicious!!
B: Hmm... I'm worried, Chet. Is it a classy enough joint for a couple of slick white folks like us?
A: You know, Barb, I was worried about that too. But then I saw that sign in the window and it put all my fears to rest.
B: Fuckin' awesome! Let's go in!

This bar actually has a pretty good happy hour.
Fuckin' Golden Tee's out of order though.


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