Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mezcal Review: Oaxaca Variety

In this month's issue of Mezcal Aficionado, Mel Gibson discusses the simple pleasures of life, like hanging out at happy hour and your friend totally hooks you up with a shot and he's like "Dude! This is good shit. It's from Oaxaca!"

"Years go by, you're fine," he says. "And then all of a sudden in a heartbeat, in an instant, on an impulse, somebody shoves a glass of Mescal in front of your nose and says, `It's from Oaxaca.' And it's burning its way through your esophagus and you go, `Oh man, what did I do that for? I can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.'"

I always knew Melvin was a mezcal man. Anyone want to go get a drink tonight? Hit me up!


Blogger Amy Keenan Amago said...

We can attest to the burning delicious qualities offered by the Oaxacan mezcal. It tastes good with a quesadilla.

5:00 AM, October 14, 2006  

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